Dr. Kizomba | Talks | Los Angeles
Oh Lord Midnight drunken talk with my Angolan brother that lives in LA, great dude and I adore his honesty. He told me that I am exceptional. I was like ok too much compliments. Here come the boom… But so he said “When someone tell you but you already know what’s the deal? When other so call kizomba people talk about you some of them have no great things to say about you” I asked him is something wrong with my dance ?!? He said absolutely not that’s also undeniable but I should join forces with some of the instructors and take over America…
Me: Hahahahaha Hahahahaha! Sir, you got jokes but explain a little more please because I don’t get it.
Him: Well if you work with so and so you gonna benefit more.
Me: I get it someone is sending you as a messenger but I am doing just fine by myself and my team. I don’t need to join forces with the people that once disrespected me because of business advantages, sorry brosky. My mission is not take over anything. I am a dancer that is still in love with dancing. Y’all can have what you call “take over the scene”. I am a member of a dance community Salsa – Bachata – Kizomba – Zouk and much more. This community grows with the support of other communities. I want my students to learn it all and become complete in everything. Kizomba is my Culture. The Salsa and Bachata communities embrace and respect my africanism and more are willing to join the classes without losing what they already know, including going to Angola 🇦🇴. So taking over is far from my goal…
#drkizomba | #talks | #losangeles
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