Dr. Kizomba | Travel Blog | Cincinnati

Well well we’ll, good morning. It’s been a while since Dr. Kizomba hit that pen. But now that I’m on the plane, I’ve the time and space to update you with my brain situation. Still part crazy but very methodical. I’m careful with my words because my festival is actually soon. I don’t wanna piss off the wrong people by saying things that might make them cancel their tickets. Great news about Gindungo: officially we beat up the number of last year’s full pass sales by kilos. People get your Gindungo pass. If you in Montreal you know what to do, come go Kizomba Canada, contact us and Kizomba canada shall take care of you. If you outside of Montreal, go to Gindungo website or simply go to facebook and get your passes. Now if you want to party get your party passes as well. If you just want just one day, we have different parties already on Facebook: rep your flag on Friday , Wakanda on Saturday and pyjama party on Sunday. Back to back to back.

On another note. I got magically randomly selected again. They just started to strip me, put me in the machine, laughed and told me I was lucky to be selected. I thought it was over, but nope. They opened my bags and asked me to take off my cell phone case. You know, knowing at the airport and immigration, that’s a no man’s land, I just decided to behave and not say a word. Weeeeell, yeah, I lied. I said a few words. But in a very very very funny direction. So here I am still in the line, waiting to see US customs.

#drkizomba | #travelblog | #cincinnati
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