Insomnia | Time Flies When You’re Working on Your Passion | Kitaba | Dr. Kizomba Live

Man, I cannot even tell you good morning because I didn’t sleep. I guess this insomnia shit is getting to me. I spent all my night workaholing myself. I just couldn’t stop staring at the screen and see the job getting done. Well it’s been awhile that I didn’t quite do the maintenance job of organizing my websites and checking what I’ve done, preparing for next year and do the comparison of what was I doing at this time last year type of shit. Looking at the pictures of 2018, oooooh 2018 has been a pivot year, let’s say so. Looking at the pictures and the business and my position in all that and of course the people that I have touched and changed just simply because of dancing, man these pictures are surreal. Hard work for one year. I’m just counting one year because it’s been one year that I’ve been really putting down the work especially in my city Montreal. That’s why I’m saying one year. Looking at all these pictures, fucking hell. That was a lot of fucking work, shiiiiiiiiit. If I didn’t have the people around me that I have, all this shit was gonna be fucked up! Maaaaaan, thank god we got great friends and friends that became family and all this shit around a nigga like myself. Yeah, great work. Can’t wait for more. You know why? Because Facebook allows you to do an event for the entire year, and I did that shit last year. That’s why I am talking all this crap. This is the 1 year anniversary of Kitaba + Live streaming of the Free Dr. Kizomba class. Shiiiiiit. My online classes and shit, one year! I got motherfuckers messaging from the middle east, thanking me and shit. I got motherfuckers from Mexico teaching the class that I just taught the week before and sending me videos to show me…. Well, you know, I mean, getting death threats and shit like that. You know I was not gonna let that shit slide! I guess your nigga is famous, only celebrities get fucking death threats, shit. One year of a lot of fucking work. But I never felt like working, that’s the funny thing. Because every time I put my feet on the dancefloor even if it is to help someone or dance with someone or teach someone, I never absolutely feel like I am working. It come out natural. This is like swimming to me, just easy. I don’t even need to fake it.

Mi Gente, if you have the time, please feel free to go ahead and check out the Kizomba Canada website for the Kitaba page. Go check on your pictures, the slide photos are also online. So that you guys can look back at the pictures of this past year that Davido put together, the natural growth of his naked eye and the creation of umoja. Umoja is the power of togetherness. Unity. I can continue talking but I have a lot of fucking pictures to post so you can go see this motherfucker. So I’m just gonna shut up and work, and write something later, so you can continue being entertained and shit. Literally, I really have over 500 pictures on the website. Literally. And I am not even in them! Just other people at Kitaba. And now people is actually contacting me on IG so that’s becoming a little dope.

#insomnia | #timeflieswhenyoureworkingonyourpassion | #kitaba | #drkizombalive

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