Sunday | Miami Dance Fest | Travel Blog

What an amazing dance festival. Yes I’m talking about Miami. Another level of promotion and entertainment and fun and unexpected surprises. Congratulations to Ivo for his first official festival in Miami and of course I congratulate myself by actually having my official MC gig at the Miami Dance Festival. People is starting to take my MC gig seriously, including myself! The crowd was reacting to every joke, the artists became emotionally involved and gave their all. Three rooms, Zouk Bachata and Kizomba, partying with the most beautiful people in the universe. Having friends for life and forever. And wait, I gotta go take a shower because we got a rooftop pool party in Miami so that we can wait for New Year’s celebrations. And finish this year with a lot of positivity and sun up on my body.

#sunday | #miamidancefest | #travelblog

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