Day 11 | Kitaba aka Wakanda

Good day, Mi Gente! Your boy Dr. Kizomba woke up on Sober Day 11 with not even a DRIP of Coca Cola in my system– nothing but water, fruit shakes, and Indian food. I know, that’s random (Indian food). Well, I guess people really like my challenge from yesterday. I have to give it up to my girls from the USA for giving me the Black Panther challenge, aka Michael B. Jordan vs. Dr. Kizomba. And you know that nigga copied my hair style…Stop it! Everyone that knows me knows that I’m the first nigga that came out with the dreads on the cote (side). Thank you so much for your love and support, that movie means a lot to me and my Niggadom aka Wakanda. And for everybody that did not see the Black Panther movie, I’ll give you one week before I start cursing your ass. Because ya’ll motherfuckin racist. All my white friends, motherfuckers, I went to see Titanic and there was barely a nigga in that movie. So it’s time to return the favor, motherfuckers. Yes, I’m talking about you, Mr. Tremblay from Montreal, Mr. Scott from England, you Mr. Washington from the USA, and you too Mr. Rodriguo from Mexico. Because a lot of you guys have cousins that don’t like black people. So let me believe that it’s not you. All you motherfuckers go see the movie. No bootleg, no internet movie, AT THE THEATRES. And buy some popcorn too. And take a picture crossing your arms doing the Wakanda sign in front of the Black Panther poster like everybody else is doing. Show your compassion, motherfuckers. Yes, because I said so.

On another note, my people, thank you so much for your likes and comments on my posts. You are making me an active YouTuber. And for the people that are supporting my sober days genuinely, I thank you. But the ones that are sending me messages and telling me- Manuel, I’m so happy that you made that decision because I was worried about you, and those are the same motherfuckers that were drinking with me, fuck you. I made that decision for myself. You’re telling me you were worried about me, but you were drinking and smoking with me- you are fake motherfuckers. I decided to stop by myself, not because I was feeling a certain way. No, I made that decision by myself, so don’t look at my life to try to feel good about yours and feel pity for me. I don’t talk about your fucking weight or that you’re too fat. I don’t talk about your ugly ass face because that shit is permanent. I know that my alcohol problem was temporary and I just had to put the bottle down to fix my life. See you guys at Kitaba aka Wakanda, the house of Semba, Kizomba and Kuduro with our youngest DJ FOFOJAH tonight!! Shutthefuckupppppppp!

#soberdays | #day11 | #kitaba

First published on Facebook on February 28th, 2018.

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