Day 9 | Movie Critic
I would like to tell you good morning Mi Gente but, actually I am not getting out of bed right now. I am in the bus heading to Ottawa, going to get my documents!
Yesterday I saw the Black Panther movie. 3 letters. O M G. I dunno how I am feeling right now, but since I saw the movie my brain yet didn’t give it a rest. Meaning, every single second I’m thinking about the movie. And I’m gonna keep on following the sales of that movie bc right now, on week 2, we are already more than $700M USD. And I am gonna watch it again. This movie is gonna be better than Avatar because it represents the best people on this Earth, yes I said it, the best people on this earth aka black people. There were so many emotions in that movie that you don’t know if you feel excited, if you feel sad, if you feel angry, if you feel proud, all the senses of emotions were running through my veins while I was watching. And the aftermath? Simply orgasmic. I did a live video yesterday with Mango Flavie invading my video and giving her opinion. Go check it out, on my Facebook, Manuel Dos Santos the third, and you will see the emotions I was talking about. And for Michael B Jordan, simply my new Denzel Washington. He is my new Denzel. That boy’s got it. And its good that he is a good friend of the director, Ryan Coogler. That director is your angel, he hooked you up with Creed, he hooked you up with Fruitvale station and now he hooked you up with Black Panther. Ryan Coogler, thank you so much for hooking up my boy. Lupita, lupita, lupita, lupita. Oooooooooh Lupita. Representation of Mama Africa in a woman’s body. And your lips say it all. By far the most beautiful on earth. Now the other girl Danai Gurira. Ouf girl!!! You make bald look so sexy. Yes, I am a big fan since Walking Dead. And I like you better bald. Mbaku, my Haitian brother Winston Duke. You were the surprise. I loved how you played that role. You were dope. Mbaku is the man. Yo guys, as you can see, I can talk about this movie for centuries and still not have enough time. I love how my bald girl described the wigs that my sisters are wearing. Disgraceful. That goes to every woman that wears a wig that doesn’t look like their own hair. That represents my opinion too. I hate when black sisters wear hair that does not look like their own. Disgraceful. It is time for black women to start embracing their natural hair.

On the other note. Mi Gente, today you already know. Kuduro class today. Kids @7pm, Adults @8pm with Kizomba Canada.
Thank you so much for the comments in our video of kuduro for a team practice. The team is not good yet, far from good but they are working so hard. I’ll make sure I’m gonna be taking these kids to the next level.
Day 9 of sober days. As I am writing this motherfucker, I am drinking a lactose free Yo Go strawberry fraise. 200mg, I finally remember the taste of yogurt. I guess life is special because nobody had to wake me up this morning. I did it all by myself. Didn’t feel heavy, felt light as a feather. Thank you so much for all the encouragements. You guys are keeping me going. That’s it for today. Since I have a lot of time on my hands I might write something for 5pm.
#soberdays | #day9 | #kuduro
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